Voices of the Holocaust [Illinois Institute of Technology]

Contained in
"During the summer of 1998, Galvin Library staff uncovered a 16-volume set of typescripts that detail first-hand accounts of horrible brutality, incredible survival, and liberation of Holocaust victims. The set includes 70 of the original 109 interviews that were conducted in 1946 and transcribed into English by Dr. David Boder. The survivors interviewed included farmers, lawyers, artists, carpenters and others representing all economic levels, many religions, and various nationalities and language groups from across Europe. The Paul V. Galvin Library of Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) identified the collection as primary source material for scholars interested in the Holocaust, as well as a learning tool for the general public, and decided to republish it through the World Wide Web."
Hosting / Distributor

Illinois Institute of Technology: Chicago, US <http://www.iit.edu/>




United States

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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